The Great Mosque of Djenné, Mali. It is a beautiful architectural example of Sudano-Sahelian and Islamic style. The mosque was built with mud bricks in 13th century. In 1920s it was enlarged to the structure we see today.
A very distinct feature is the rodier palm sticks, protruding from the building. Originally they are used as a decoration. But they also serve as the scaffolding when repairing the mosque during an annual festival.
The community gathers to the mosque with food, music and dance to celebrate. But the main reason is to repair the mosque, since it is extremely prone to erosion due to its building material. The building is indeed very unique, especially for the Western eye.
[symple_googlemap title=”The Grand Mosque, Djenne, Mopti, Malis” location=”The Grand Mosque, Djenne, Mopti, Malis” zoom=”10″ height=250]